MGENPOS | General Positions of Magnetic Space Groups
MWYCKPOS | Wyckoff Positions of Magnetic Space Groups
MKVEC | The k-vector types and Brillouin zones of Magnetic Space Groups
IDENTIFY MAGNETIC GROUP | Identification of a Magnetic Space Group from a set of generators in an arbitrary setting
BNS2OG | Transformation of symmetry operations between BNS and OG settings
mCIF2PCR | Transformation from mCIF to PCR format (FullProf).
MPOINT | Magnetic Point Group Tables
MAGNEXT | Extinction Rules of Magnetic Space Groups
MAXMAGN | Maximal magnetic space groups for a given space group and a propagation vector
MAGMODELIZE | Magnetic structure models for any given magnetic symmetry
Convert & Edit Structure Data (supports the CIF, mCIF, VESTA, VASP formats -- with magnetic information where available)
k-SUBGROUPSMAG | Magnetic subgroups consistent with some given propagation vector(s) or a supercell
MAGNDATA | A collection of magnetic structures with portable cif-type files
MVISUALIZE | 3D Visualization of magnetic structures with Jmol
MTENSOR  | Symmetry-adapted form of crystal tensors in magnetic phases
Decomposition of the magnetic representation into irreps
Irreps and order parameters in a paramagnetic space group- magnetic subgroup phase transition